Life is a bowl of cherries.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's day 2009.

It seems like a million years since my mother passed away in 1981. She was a wonderful person that was loved by all who knew her. She had some special little things about her that I think about and still chuckle.

1. She loved to make cinnamon rolls--and give them away.
2. She would give someone the coat off her children's backs if she felt they needed something, but once went to the home of a girl who had stolen my sister's sweater to retrieve it. She did not like a thief.
3. She love "the store". That was the St. Johns Drug Company--her father's Drug Store. We all loved that store.
4. When I worked there...her favorite task for me to do was to "wash the front step" to make sure that it was clean for customers.
5. Her birthday was May 9. Sometimes it fell on Mother's Day.
6. She had very little, but needed very little.
7. She loved shoes. Her granddaughter Courtney inherited that trait.
8. She loved hot chilies.
9. Her spankings did not hurt, but if she began to cry, that really hurt.
10. She was oblivious to the world around her and was one of the most innocent persons I ever knew.
11. She was a great cub scout den mother....but I do not remember her serving in more major positions of leadership.
12. If she had any money and the church needed money for a special purpose, she would donate what she had.
13. She loved a drug store Coca-Cola.
14. She attended my ball games reluctantly--and it was because she once told me she did not want to see me get hurt.
15. She always botched the punch lone on a joke.
16. She always tried to make birthdays special. Try doing that with very little means.
17. If she did not write me every week while I served a mission, it was because she was sick.
18. She wrote letters to her nephews as well--and sometimes mixed the letters up and send them to the wrong party.
19. Once, she dressed up in a costume and came trick or treating to our house. I did not know it was her until I found the yellow lollipop we gave to her.
20. She was sort of a lousy cook--her cinnamon rolls were great, but her chocolate chip cookies were as hard as rocks.
21. She had a brain tumor that manifested in 1970 and her health was never good after that time.
22. She ALWAYS looked at the back of a greeting card to see how much it cost and I always crossed it out because I knew she would look.
23. She loved fresh vegetables.
24. She was legendarilly loyal to her family.
25. I have to think she will be one who makes it to the Celestial Kingdom.
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